Hello there, and thanks for being here. My name is Aram. I’m a finance professional and entrepreneur. I’m well versed and experienced with a wide range of financial arrangements and architectures. I’ve worked as a CFO, I’ve been a Director of Finance, I’ve consulted and worked with global family offices, I’ve worked with non-profits and NGOs, and worked with many SMBs. I’m now focusing solely on addressing the cluster-fuck that is Personal Finance. I’m obsessed with the financial machine, I love being immersed in the world of finance, I find it empowering and highly determinate.

But, my heart is broken. I see how many of my friends, family, communities and society at large, suffer tremendously from fundamental financial misalignments, confusion, anxiety and fear. I see how the tools of finance have handicapped so many people and elevated so few, I see people drowning in dark spirals of debt, consumption, contraction, and self-depression. Finance contains (and/or is set to simply be) a set of tools and modalities at the core; they can be unbelievably empowering, and they can be oppressive as well if handled incorrectly. I want to change the way people interact with finance, change the way in which we choose to practice finance. I want to turn finance into a determinate force in peoples’ lives. Why? Because I believe that if human’s can remove this barrier, than we just might see a wave of self-actualization and self-realization in mass.

FPF is my space to think and write about context for personal finance, and to collaborate with others.